Food coma is a drowsiness or fatigue that occurs after eating a meal that is too much. This causes our brain to order the body to release chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin. Which is a hormone and a type of chemical that is important for the brain system and the body’s functioning. Serotonin makes us reduce our appetite and when released in large quantities, we feel sleepy. However, these symptoms are not abnormal in any way. They will only occur temporarily and will disappear on their own within a few hours.

But eating a big lunch, full of both savory and sweet foods, rich in carbohydrates, protein and fat. When this lunch enters the digestion process, in addition to producing sugar. It also becomes an amino acid called Tryptophan. Which is an amino acid that has the effect of reducing stress, helping you sleep soundly. When the brain and body feel relaxed, the owner of the brain and the owner of the body feel sleepy.
In addition to amino acids that make you drowsy, the sugar from digestion when entering the bloodstream can also make you drowsy. Especially if it is a large meal, it will cause blood sugar levels to rise even more. When that happens, the body will release the hormone insulin to reduce blood sugar levels to normal (by changing sugar into fat). This process causes the body to release serotonin and melatonin. Which are substances that promote sleep, causing us to be able to bend over even during the day.
In addition, foods such as rice, flour, meat, and fat are also difficult to digest. The body needs a lot of energy and time to digest. If we eat a lot of these foods for lunch, the body will have to draw most of the energy, including blood, to nourish the digestive system more. As a result, the energy in other organs and processes decreases, especially the brain. This makes the body weak, feel sleepy, and want to rest.
But in addition to large meals that cause food coma, irregular sleep, insufficient rest. Or overworking until the brain is tired can also cause drowsiness, fatigue during the day, and exacerbate food coma.
Anyone who has to work or do important activities every day would want to focus on those things as much as possible. But if we have these symptoms, how do we solve them? ยูฟ่าเบท, we have 5 easy methods to share with you. Let me tell you that the methods that we have shared. With you can really be used and do not require any medication. What methods are there? Let’s see.
- Instead of eating a big meal, eat a moderate meal. But if you are still hungry after eating, you can eat snack bars or energy-providing foods. This will help you maintain your energy and prevent you from feeling drowsy due to food coma.
- Choose healthy, wholesome foods, such as those rich in protein and fiber, as these foods will help you feel fuller longer. However, you should avoid foods that are high in fat or sugar, as these foods will make you feel sleepy.
- Drink plenty of water. Drinking enough water each day will help your body boost its metabolism and make you feel more alert.
- Move your body a bit. If you just sit down after eating, your energy level will decrease. So, get up and walk around the office a bit, or change from taking the elevator to taking the stairs instead. Will help increase your energy level. It can also stimulate your digestive system to work better.
- If you feel really sleepy beyond recovery, if you still have time to rest, try taking a nap for about 15 minutes or a power nap. This method will help you feel refreshed, focus more on what you are doing each day, and can also help cure food coma very well.