Most regular yogurts contain sugar, flavorings, coloring, and are high in calories. Greek yogurt, on the other hand, is more natural. There are more nutrients. Plus there’s a lack of flour. and low in calories too That’s because Greek yogurt uses more milk to produce. and must also be filtere to remove whey protein and other liquids are remove as well. Greek yogurt without sugar is another weight loss option that many people like to eating.

How many calories is yogurt? 100 grams of Greek yogurt provides a total of 59 calories, consisting of fat, carbohydrates, protein, cholesterol, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, magnesium, robiplavin, zinc, phosphorus. , calcium etc.
Greek yogurt without sugar is another weight loss option that many people like to eat. Due to the nature of Greek yogurt In addition to having many benefits to the body It also has less sugar than regular yogurt. However, despite how beneficial it is to the body But it seems like eating plain Greek yogurt doesn’t seem to hurt anymore. Therefore, in this article, UFABET will present a menu made from Greek yogurt for everyone to choose from.
Of course, I’ll just eat plain Greek yogurt. Every day must be boring. This article has brought you ideas for what to eat with Greek yogurt. Can be use to develop other ideas or menus. Let’s see.
Eat with fruit: Choosing the flavor of Greek yogurt to pair with fruit will mean eating Greek yogurt with fruit, most of which are fruits in the berry family. Or easy-to-find fruits such as bananas Including various cereals To be eating as a toy or eating instead of breakfast to help relieve hunger well.
Eat with bread: Eating Greek yogurt with bread It involves spreading Greek yogurt on bread. And then topping it with fresh fruit to get complete nutritional value. It can also help relieve hunger during the day.
Eat with cereal: Eating Greek yogurt with cereal will provide high fiber content. Helps the stomach not be constipat. Affects a good digestive system Get protein that can take care of and repair worn out parts. Importantly, it also helps strengthen the body’s energy to work efficiently. Most of the time, this menu is eating for breakfast, suitable for people who are losing weight.
However, readers will see that Greek yogurt is a super food that has many benefits. Especially building muscle and fat reduction In addition, Greek yogurt is rich in many beneficial nutrients, especially probiotics that help reduce constipation. And calcium that helps keep bones strong and reduce the accumulation of fat in the body as well